The Latest from Knowre's Online Math Learning Platform | Knowre Math

The Standards Tab

Written by Crystal Arrington | 1/3/23 4:50 PM

The Knowre Math Teacher Dashboard is loaded with actionable data to help inform your instruction. Located on the Teacher Dashboard, the Standards tab (pictured below) gives a snapshot of class and individual student performance on grade-level standards. Click on the tab labeled with your specified standards to take a closer look. Standards are grouped by units and each standard card gives an overview of class performance to date. Class data updates as students continue to work on lessons associated with the standard. Knowre Math’s color-coding makes it easier to quickly identify what standards may need additional attention.

To see both class and individual student performance, click on the standard’s card for a detailed view. Along with details of class and individual performance, aligned Knowre Math lessons can also be found here. Similar to the standard card, information in the detailed view reflects the student’s most recent performance on lessons aligned with the specific standard. Click the lesson titles to review what particular skills students work on in the individual lessons. Be sure to take into consideration the % Completed column as you are reviewing data here. A student could be seemingly performing well, but has only completed 2% of the skills aligned with the standard.

If you identify a standard to review with your class, consider creating a Targeted 10 assignment with the aligned lessons to check on their progress after review or reteaching. Reviewing progress and performance in the Standards tab allows you to better inform your instruction, check student progress, and determine if individual, small group, or whole group remediation may be needed for particular standards.

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