The Latest from Knowre's Online Math Learning Platform | Knowre Math

The Insights Tab

Written by Crystal Arrington | 10/6/22 10:33 PM

The Knowre Math Teacher Dashboard is loaded with actionable data to help inform your instruction. Located on the Teacher Dashboard, the Insights tab gives you a look at student activity, overall class performance and progress, and students that need additional support in a chosen date range. You’re also able to see how your class has been progressing for a previous date range. For example, if you are viewing data from the last 30 days, you will also see your class’s average KSS and Achievement for the 30 days before that. This is a great way to see how your class’s performance is trending over time. Data in other tabs give data based on the most recent attempt, while the Insights tab delivers data on all skill and problem attempts during the selected time period. Keep in mind, the Insights tab gives data on lessons and skills students have completed in the primary grade/curriculum for the class.



The Insights tab also provides you with data on skills your class has frequently retried. The lesson, skill, and number of retries are displayed to help you determine which skill(s) may need more immediate attention. You can click on the skill and project it on your board to immediately review it with the class. Then, include the lesson in a Targeted 10 to check on student progress. This is great data to help determine what skills students are not solid in and what you may want to review with your class



Students that had an overall KSS lower than 80% during the time period will be shown under Students with Lowest Avg KSS. Lessons each student completed during the selected time period are displayed, along with color indication to give a quick glimpse of how a student performed. Green indicates an average KSS of 80% or above. Orange indicates that a student’s average KSS for the lesson was below 80%. You can click a specific lesson to see the student’s response and attempts on each lesson skill. This information can be used to pull students into small groups for additional support and create a Targeted 10 Assignment that covers the lessons students may have had challenges with.



The Insights tab is a great place to check overall class progress in the primary grade level/curriculum and see what students need more support. Click here for a more information on the Insights Tab. Share how you use the Insights tab or any topics you’d like to discuss at