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Teacher Dashboard Insights: Specific, Actionable and Time Bound Data

Written by Bara Levitt | 4/14/20 10:58 PM

Time is precious, and as educators know, there are only so many minutes of instructional and practice time on any given school day.

The new Knowre Math Insights page, which is found on the Teacher Dashboard, provides specific, actionable, and time bound information to help you focus and drive student learning during those precious minutes.

Here are a few sample questions that the Insights tab will help you answer:

  • Which of my students have been practicing on the program and which have not?

  • How active were students on the program last week?

  • What did my students struggle on this week?

  • Which areas should I focus on for reteach? What are sample problems that I can use for reteaching?

  • Which of my students struggled the most? What did they struggle on?

  • Are there certain students struggling with the same topics that I can pull together into a small group?

Let's dive into the components of the Insights page starting from the top.

Time Filter

As a teacher, the first thing you should do on the Insights tab is to select your date range of focus.

The date range will always default to showing you the "Last 7 days", but you can change this range to the "Last 30 days", "Last Week" (Mon-Sun), or to a "Custom" range instead.

In the "Custom" option, you can select any date range you choose going as far back as the date that the class was created. The date range you choose will be reflected on every piece of information on the Insights page.

Summary Statistics

No matter which date range you choose, you will find a series of summary statistics directly beneath the date filter. These data points give you a high-level overview of student activity during that time period.

Each piece of data is included with a point of comparison, and the point of comparison is always the period prior to the one you selected. For example, if you select “Last 30 days,” the comparison data will reflect the 30 days prior to that.

When you are in the “Last 7 days” or “Last week” data views, you will easily be able to view which students have and have not been working on Knowre Math recently as well as how active the class has been overall.

Click on the underlined information under the "Active Student percentage" (27 of 30 in the image above) to see a list of students who have and have not been on the program during the specified period.

Most Retried Skills

Beneath the summary statistics there are two more categories of information: "Most Retried Skills" and "Students with Lowest Average KSS." You can click back and forth between both options by clicking on the tab headings at the top of the table.

The "Most Retried Skills" tab shows a list of the top 10 most retried skills during the selected time period. Each skill in the Knowre Math program can be retried, and when a student retries a skill, the student will receive another question focused on that same skill with new values.

In addition to seeing exactly how many retries there were across the class, you can also click the name of the skill to learn more and view sample questions that you may want to consider revisiting with your students. 

Students with Lowest Average KSS

The KSS (Knowre Success Score) is a value that takes into account how much support a student used to reach the correct answer. The lower the KSS, the more support a student utilized during that time period. Students included on this list have an average KSS of less than 80%.

In addition to being an easy way to identify struggling students, this data view includes information that can help you more specifically identify where each student is struggling.

In the "Lessons Practiced" section next to each student's name, you can see which lessons students worked on in the specified time period. Of those lessons, orange lessons indicate where students need support and/or additional practice.

As many students will have orange lessons in common, this data will be helpful in creating and targeting small group work as well as potentially targeted group intervention. 

We’ve only just begun to scratch the surface. The Insights data view will be expanding to include additional metrics in the future. Are there any additional insights that you would be interested in seeing? Please let us know by emailing

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