Knowre Blog

Teaching Students How to be Reflective Learners

Posted by Bara Levitt on 10/4/21 7:02 PM

I spend a lot of time talking with teachers about data. Data is at the core of much of what we do at Knowre and it is also at the core of how many of our teachers make instructional decisions in their classrooms. 

In most classrooms teachers are the primary collectors and analyzers of data. In a smaller number of classrooms, however, teachers are opening up this process to their students as a way to further engage them in the learning process. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Students, Classroom, Formative Assessment, Student Success, Teachers

How to transition your use of Knowre Math from remote and hybrid to in-person

Posted by Bara Levitt on 3/3/21 8:53 PM

A large number of teachers began using Knowre Math for the very first time last March. That means that for many the program has only ever been used in remote or hybrid models. As schools across the country begin to shift towards more in-person learning time, you may be wondering about how best to transition your use of the Knowre Math program back into the physical classroom. 

Read on for some tips and don’t hesitate to email if you want 1:1 help making the transition. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

The Targeted 10: Personalized Review for Each Student in Minutes

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/24/21 12:45 PM

What would student learning look like in your classroom if you could regularly provide each of your students with an individualized review assignment created just for them?

Imagine the process of creating these review assignments for each student. It’s would be a difficult  and time-consuming feat to say the least.

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Topics: Knowre News, Personalization and Differentiation, Math Instruction, Teachers

Using Knowre Math to Support Make Up Work

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/3/21 11:46 AM

This year attendance levels are down and we’re hearing from many teachers that the volume of work being turned in by students who do attend is down as well. Over the past month many new schools have started using Knowre Math to help address the challenge of make up work. 

In this article we will explore some ways to use Knowre Math for make up work and specific considerations in order to set teachers and students up for success. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Let your Students Create their own Assignments

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/2/21 10:46 AM

What if for a day or week you chose to shift the responsibility of creating assignments to your students? 

At this point in the school year, and this point of hybrid/remote/in-person learning, students have a strong sense of the independent learning tools available to them. They very likely also have a sense of what they need as a learner even if they aren’t able to articulate it. Empower students to act on these insights by giving them the responsibility of determining the contents of an upcoming assignment. You can start out small and have students make a one day plan, or challenge students to come up with a week’s worth of assignments for a particular subject area. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Kick Off the New Year with Student Goal Setting

Posted by Bara Levitt on 1/4/21 8:27 AM

As students return to school after winter break goal setting can be a useful exercise in refocusing effort and attention during what can be a challenging transition. 

The most effective goals are co-created with students. Co-created goals foster more of a sense of buy in and agency on the part of the student. Students are often told what they need to do so allowing them instead to take part in the goal setting process can go a long way towards increasing engagement. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Data, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Teacher Dashboard Insights: Specific, Actionable and Time Bound Data

Posted by Bara Levitt on 4/14/20 6:58 PM

Time is precious, and as educators know, there are only so many minutes of instructional and practice time on any given school day.

The new Knowre Math Insights page, which is found on the Teacher Dashboard, provides specific, actionable, and time bound information to help you focus and drive student learning during those precious minutes.

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Topics: Knowre News, Personalization and Differentiation, Data, Math Instruction

Supporting Asynchronous / Distance / Independent Learning

Posted by David Joo on 3/31/20 12:49 PM

In the immense plethora of emotions and things to deal with during this time, we at Knowre want to help where we can.  

Personalized learning (however you may define it) is a fundamental tenet of what we strive to accomplish through Knowre Math. Our goal is to mirror the one-on-one interaction between a student and a teacher as much as possible. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Students, Classroom, Data, Education Technology, Formative Assessment, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

Plan Ahead with Knowre Math’s Lesson Assignment Feature

Posted by Bara Levitt on 9/30/19 7:05 AM

The Knowre Math Lesson Assignment feature is now available on your Teacher Dashboard! Learn more about the how, when, and why of this new feature below.

Q: Why should I make an assignment when I can just tell students what they should be working on? 

There are four main reasons to consider using the Lesson Assignment feature:

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Classroom, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

Take a Hike on Knowre’s Walk Me Through Trail

Posted by Bara Levitt on 7/31/19 3:51 PM

“You’ll have a great time,” the visitor center greeter said as we headed towards the trail in upstate New York. The hike was described as fun, but challenging, and we figured, despite rarely ever hiking, that we’d all be fine. Countless hours later we descended the trail thankful to be alive. Simply put, the trail was much more difficult than we could have ever imagined. While there were optional ladders and ledges placed at certain parts, in others we couldn’t figure out why these supremely helpful elements were frustratingly missing.

It is important when tackling a challenge or learning something new that there are certain supports in place to maximize desired outcomes, decrease frustration, and maintain motivation (at one point on the trail I told my friends it was best they just leave me there). Without the availability of these critical elements it’s all too easy to give up.

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Topics: Knowre News, Personalization and Differentiation, Students, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers