Knowre Blog

The Number 1 Way to Increase New Program Adoption

Posted by Bara Levitt on 8/9/21 2:56 PM

In order to foster new program adoption and engagement you need to do one thing—talk about the program regularly. It may seem overly simple, but the things that we talk about regularly are the things that remain top of mind. 

Though an exact number can not be calculated, it is believed that approximately 67% of software licences go unused each year. There are many reasons for this including lack of awareness, limited time, insufficient training, misalignment between needs and resources, and general program overload. 

When rolling out a new program teachers will often participate in a training session. Far too often that training session is the first and last time they hear about the program in a structured way. Sometimes there isn’t even a training session. Instead, teachers are selecting from a list of approved and adopted resources that they can explore and opt into if they choose, sometimes completing training modules for those tools and other times just figuring it out on their own. 

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Topics: Back to School, Education Technology, Math Instruction, Teachers

New on Knowre Math for the 2021-2022 School Year

Posted by Bara Levitt on 7/28/21 12:43 PM


With the start of the 2021-2022 school year approaching, we are thrilled to announce a number of exciting curricular enhancements to the grade 1, 6 and Algebra 2 curricula on Knowre Math. As a comprehensive supplemental resource for math, we are constantly striving to expand topic coverage and improve the overall student math learning experience.

As always, these developments are the direct result of administrator, teacher and student feedback and questions. Our curriculum team of former teachers has been hard at work to ensure this update meets your needs and goals.

You can expect to see these curricular updates on Knowre Math in early August! 

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Topics: Back to School, Education Technology, Math Instruction

Knowre Math for Summer Homework 2021

Posted by Bara Levitt on 4/23/21 10:22 AM

Knowre Math can be a very helpful and effective tool not only for summer school, but for summer math practice and homework as well.

When you use Knowre Math for your summer homework all of the grading will be done for you. Students will have access to support at every step of the way, which will help them not only to be more successful with the content, but also to be able to work more independently. Finally, everything is in one place which means set up and monitoring is simple and streamlined. 

Read on for some tips on how to best set up Knowre Math for your students for summer math.

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Topics: Summer Math, Education Technology, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

4 Strategies for Using Knowre Math at the End of the School Year

Posted by Bara Levitt on 3/31/21 9:38 PM

Over the course of the year most Knowre Math teachers have been using the program to provide students with additional practice on the topics they are working on in class. During the last part of the school year there are fewer topics that still need to be covered which means that use of the program can begin to shift to meet other needs and goals.

Keep reading to explore a couple of different ways to maximize Knowre Math as a resource during this end of school year time period.

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Topics: Education Technology, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

How to transition your use of Knowre Math from remote and hybrid to in-person

Posted by Bara Levitt on 3/3/21 8:53 PM

A large number of teachers began using Knowre Math for the very first time last March. That means that for many the program has only ever been used in remote or hybrid models. As schools across the country begin to shift towards more in-person learning time, you may be wondering about how best to transition your use of the Knowre Math program back into the physical classroom. 

Read on for some tips and don’t hesitate to email if you want 1:1 help making the transition. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools

The Targeted 10: Personalized Review for Each Student in Minutes

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/24/21 12:45 PM

What would student learning look like in your classroom if you could regularly provide each of your students with an individualized review assignment created just for them?

Imagine the process of creating these review assignments for each student. It’s would be a difficult  and time-consuming feat to say the least.

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Topics: Knowre News, Personalization and Differentiation, Math Instruction, Teachers

Using Knowre Math to Support Make Up Work

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/3/21 11:46 AM

This year attendance levels are down and we’re hearing from many teachers that the volume of work being turned in by students who do attend is down as well. Over the past month many new schools have started using Knowre Math to help address the challenge of make up work. 

In this article we will explore some ways to use Knowre Math for make up work and specific considerations in order to set teachers and students up for success. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Teachers, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Let your Students Create their own Assignments

Posted by Bara Levitt on 2/2/21 10:46 AM

What if for a day or week you chose to shift the responsibility of creating assignments to your students? 

At this point in the school year, and this point of hybrid/remote/in-person learning, students have a strong sense of the independent learning tools available to them. They very likely also have a sense of what they need as a learner even if they aren’t able to articulate it. Empower students to act on these insights by giving them the responsibility of determining the contents of an upcoming assignment. You can start out small and have students make a one day plan, or challenge students to come up with a week’s worth of assignments for a particular subject area. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Kick Off the New Year with Student Goal Setting

Posted by Bara Levitt on 1/4/21 8:27 AM

As students return to school after winter break goal setting can be a useful exercise in refocusing effort and attention during what can be a challenging transition. 

The most effective goals are co-created with students. Co-created goals foster more of a sense of buy in and agency on the part of the student. Students are often told what they need to do so allowing them instead to take part in the goal setting process can go a long way towards increasing engagement. 

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Topics: Personalization and Differentiation, Data, Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote

Three Questions You Can Answer with Data from Knowre Math's Teacher Dashboard

Posted by Michelle Peveto on 11/30/20 2:30 PM

After our November update there is lots of new data available on the Teacher Dashboard. This article dives into three questions that you can answer using this detailed information and also includes ways to use that data to take data-driven action in your classroom to support student learning. 

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Topics: Education Technology, Student Success, Math Instruction, Schools, Asynchronous, Remote