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Planning for Distance Learning with Knowre Math

Written by Bara Levitt | 3/12/20 6:23 PM

As countries across the world take steps to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, normal school routines are being disrupted. Knowre Math can be a critical resource in helping to ensure that math learning is still occurring at home when students are not able to attend school in-person.

When building your new math plan, it is important to think about expectations, accountability and celebration. Together these three elements can create a supportive and predictable math learning environment that will not only help promote continued skill development, but also a sense of normalcy in a temporary and new routine.


Students thrive in classroom-based learning environments where there are clear expectations. The same is true for distance learning.

Use the [Assignment] option on your Teacher Dashboard to assign students with Lesson or Targeted 10 assignments for each day that they will be working from home.

You can pre-set these for the week by using different due dates, or release a new assignment each day to make sure students are practicing over the course of the week rather than completing everything on day 1. 

Learning from home will be a very different experience for students and their caregivers. Teachers can offer support by communicating expectations to both students and caregivers about their role in this process. Consider the following questions when putting together expectations for caregivers:

  • Do I need to check my student’s work for correctness?
  • How much should I be helping my student if they are having difficulty?
  • What should I do if we run into a technical problem? 
  • How is this work being graded?

Be sure to reassure caregivers that the Walk Me Through and skill videos mean that they can support their students' learning without needing to remember topics that they may not have thought about in many years.


The Knowre Math Teacher Dashboard makes it easy to monitor student work and hold students accountable to the completion of that work. Decide ahead of time how student work during this time will factor into their grades and communicate this to your students.

Knowing that this work matters for their grade will help students stay on task. Based on the expectations, reach out to your students regularly to hold them accountable. A message or email that expresses to a student that you are monitoring their work and are proud of them will go a long way!


The initial luster of distance-based learning will likely wear off in just a few days (or hours). Help keep morale high by using communication platforms to continue to celebrate student achievements.

If you are meeting with students through a synchronous platform, be sure to use a few minutes of that time to highlight desired distance learning behaviors and also to celebrate the achievements of your students as they work in this different way.

Synchronous platforms can also be used for question-asking “office hours” or “class sessions” where students are all completing their Knowre Math work at the exact same time. 

If you have any questions, or want a partner in developing your plan, don’t hesitate to email We are here to help.

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