Three Distinct Assignments to Strengthen Student Learning

Knowre offers three distinct assignment types: Lesson Assignments, Targeted 10, and Ready? Check. Go! Assignments. Using a variety of assignment types helps keep students engaged in learning. 

  • Lesson Assignments provide carefully sequenced practice problems covering teacher-selected topics. 
  • Targeted 10s are assignments made up of 10 personalized questions based on skills students have struggled with previously. 
  • The Ready? Check. Go! is Knowre Math’s diagnostic tool, used to pinpoint gaps from previous grade levels.

The data from student work can be viewed on the Teacher Dashboard in real time, and can be used to inform instructional decisions.






Lesson Assignments

Each Lesson Assignment is made up of scaffolded and sequenced questions that present a topic step by step. As students work through a Lesson Assignment, they will see an introductory comic or example problem, instructional videos, practice problems, real-world application problems, and a self-reflection at the end. Problems include video clips and Knowre Math’s exciting Walk Me Through feature, which provide just-in-time support to help students succeed. In a Lesson Assignment, students can retry skills as many times as they like, building confidence. Teachers can even assign lessons from other grade levels. Lesson Assignments are the most common way teachers use Knowre Math to assign work to students.

WMT example right and wrong Dave

      Targeted 10



A Targeted 10 Assignment is a set of 10 algorithmically-generated questions based on teacher-selected topics. The questions focus on individual students’ areas for growth, so they are each practicing within their zone of proximal development. This just-right assignment allows students to review skills they have struggled with previously. Problems in a Targeted 10 include support in the form of video clips and the Walk Me Through feature. This assignment type makes it possible to generate personalized review assignments for all of your students in just a few minutes. The Targeted 10 is ideal for helping students achieve, practice, and maintain independent problem solving abilities, without having to redo an entire lesson.


Learn How One Middle School Uses Targeted 10 to Prepare for Testing

With only two months left in the school year, Riviera Middle School decided to leave the math software they had been using all year and switch to Knowre Math. See how they used Targeted 10 to help struggling students. 

Learn More

Ready? Check. Go!

Ready? Check. Go! is the diagnostic tool of Knowre Math. It pinpoints and identifies key skills that students may have missed or forgotten from the previous grade level. The scaffolding and support that Knowre Math is known for is absent in the Ready? Check. Go! Assignment, to give teachers a clear picture of student knowledge. After students complete the Ready? Check. Go! Assignment, teachers can view student achievement by skill on the Teacher Dashboard, and immediately assign work to address skill gaps.

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Check Out These Tips for Increased Literacy in the Math Classroom

Students' literacy proficiency has a direct impact on their math performance. By providing opportunities to practice communication through reading and writing, we are helping students make meaningful connections in their learning. Download this document to explore how you can promote reading and writing in the math classroom!


These three unique assignment types help students avoid frustrations and grow their confidence in math. With real-time data on student progress flowing to the Teacher Dashboard, educators can have meaningful, actionable insights like never before.

To learn more about the Teacher Dashboard functionalities beyond assignment types, check out our blog, or click the button below.

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